
28 Aug 2016

Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign manager calls Trump a psychopath

Trump is “basically a psychopath running for president.” “He meets the clinical definition,”  David Plouffe

David Plouffe, who managed Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and later served as a senior adviser in his administration, on Sunday diagnosed Donald Trump during an NBC interview as “a psychopath running for president.

Plouffe defended his opinion by pointing to what he said are the hallmark symptoms of psychosis.

“Well, listen, grandiose notion of self-worth, pathological lying, lack of empathy and remorse,” he said.

He acknowledged, however, that he lacked authoritative medical credentials when Todd asked him whether he was qualified to make an off-the-cuff diagnosis.

“Right, I don’t have a degree in psychology,” he said.

Plouffe postulated an abnormal mental condition as the likely reason that Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, is not running a better campaign and has not proved competitive in swing states such as Colorado and Virginia, where Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton now appears to have an insurmountable lead.

Plouffe said he initially assumed that Colorado and Virginia would be tough states for Clinton because he expected that “Trump would try and do some things to appeal to the middle of the electorate, to appeal to suburban, college-educated women.”

Trump instead, political strategists in both parties believe, has failed to reach out meaningfully to college-educated and women voters.

His unconventional tactics have confounded GOP leaders and strategists in Washington for months.

Plouffe said that’s because Trump is “basically a psychopath running for president.”

“He meets the clinical definition,” he said.


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